Flashes and Floaters in Your Eyes: When to See Medical Help

Do you experience disruptions of your vision when you look at something bright? If you have small particles of debris in the interior of your eyes, you’ll see them in bright lights, or when you look at something very white. Floaters can look like bubbles, spider webs, or even seem to move like little tadpoles.
Some people have been seeing their floaters for years, or even decades. In these long-term cases, the floaters might not be a cause for concern. However, if you suddenly begin to see floaters when you hadn’t before, or if they come accompanied by bright flashes, it might be time to go see a doctor for a medical opinion. The team at Smart Eye Care of Brooklyn, New York is here to help you sort out your floaters and flashes. We can advise you on the best path forward for your care and treatment.
Why do I see floaters?
Floaters appearing in your vision can come from a variety of causes. Some causes indicate serious problems, while others shouldn’t worry you too much.
Some of the potential causes for floaters include:
- Rarely, ocular tumors
- Infection or inflammation, such as fungal infections or inflammation of your interior eye lining (uveitis)
- Blood leakage or hemorrhage from the tiny vessels in your retina due to pulling or tearing
- Posterior vitreous detachment, when the gelatinous substance vitreous detaches from your retina, often naturally occurring because of age at around 55-60
- Retinal tearing or detachment resulting from other causes, like trauma or eye surgery
Depending on the severity and speed of onset of your symptoms, you might not need to take any action. If you do need treatment, laser surgery is often recommended for retinal attachment issues.
When are floaters and flashes a cause for concern?
It’s typically a good idea to seek medical advice if you experience significant changes in your health, and rapid-onset floaters are no different. An appointment with one of our specialists at Smart Eye Care can set your mind at ease about any potential concerns.
Bright flashes in your vision often indicate more serious problems. They signal that, inside your eye, your retina has become irritated because of tugs, tearing, infection, or inflammation. Your brain interprets any information from your retina as light, creating the impression of a bright flash when that area is irritated.
It’s important to keep an eye on retinal stresses because tugs can turn into tears, and eventually, you might find yourself dealing with a full retinal detachment. Torn or detached retinas need to be promptly treated by a medical professional to preserve your full vision.
To schedule a consultation with a member of the Smart Eye Care team, give us a call today! You can book your initial appointment over the phone, or by using the online tool.
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